Circus, 2024

Stage set for a battle

of David and Goliath,

except these are clowns

in costumes. 

A play as old as 

the Beast behind the tents,

counting revenue 

regardless of who wins.

The audience rooting

for their heroes,

too inebriated to hear the 

storm engulfing the south.


“David” changes

into a different skin,

gives another tick 

that fits a box.

One wave, a Dougie-

the crowd cheers.

“Lesser of the evil,”

now also, a she/her.

Banning Muslims 

was evil

Bombing Muslims

is just foreign policy

Set the world ablaze

as long as our rights are safe-

To buy a ticket to this circus 

is to inherit entitlement.

Blood is violence

unless it is spilled outside our borders.

The Beast is full

because we feed it.


Poetry when the world is burning